
Comprehensive Financial Planning

You recognize money is a tool that can help you, but you want someone to help you make all of these important decisions.  Let’s talk about what is most important to you, and build a plan that truly helps you live a meaningful life. Includes investment management.

Step One: A 60-minute introductory virtual meeting

We’ll get to know each other, talk about what is most important to you, and what a valuable financial planning outcome would look like. Your life is probably different than it was a year, two years, and ten years ago, and your financial plan needs to reflect those changes. Comprehensive financial planning is a process, not a product, and planning for the future now can yield much higher returns later. You’ll be given a simple list of information to gather to kick start the financial planning awesomeness.

Step Two: A 60-minute “get organized” virtual meeting 

Sorting through financial documents can be confusing. We help make it easy by helping you find all the required information we’ll need for a comprehensive review. You’ll get familiarized with the client portal to share documents that ensures all of our communication is simple and secure. 

Step Three: Custom analysis, recommendations, goal setting

Through a 90-minute virtual meeting we’ll review your customized financial plan and discuss personal goals and strategies. Afterwards, you’ll receive a written summary of our discussions with action items that are tailored to you and your goals.  This summary is meant to make sure you know exactly what needs to happen before our next meeting in order to help you take the next best steps with your money. This summary will be refreshed every year to accommodate your progress and changes in your life. Comprehensive financial planning includes investment management and advice as well as unlimited continued support via phone, virtual meeting, and email.


Step Four: Ongoing monitoring, advice, and service

Approximately six months after the first meeting, we’ll have a 90 minute meeting to follow-up on summary items and high-five our progress made.

In subsequent years, we will meet virtually 2-4 times per year to monitor, review, and update your financial plan.


Transparency is incredibly important to me, so I am happy to share my pricing for this service.  Annual fees for this service are calculated based on 1% of income + 0.5% of net worth.

Unlike many financial planners, I do not have a minimum account size or net worth, but I do charge a minimum annual fee of $4,800 and a one-time, initial client onboarding fee of $1,000. Most clients pay the annual fee in smaller, monthly installments for convenience.


Click to schedule a free introductory call!


Here’s an example of what a customized plan could include:  

First Quarter

    1. Review Goals
    2. Update Financial Planning Data
    3. Evaluate Cash Flow
    4. Review Credit Report
    5. Plan for Major Purchases/Expenses
    6. Emergency Fund Assessment
    7. Rebalance 401(k)/403(b)/SEP IRA/SIMPLE IRA
    8. Increase 401(k)/403(b)/SEP IRA/SIMPLE IRA contribution
    9. Calculate Net Worth
    10. Analyze College Savings
    11. Retirement Savings
    12. Internal Investment Committee Review
    13. Newsletter

Second Quarter

    1. Review Auto/Homeowner’s Insurance
    2. Coordinate IRS Form 8606 With Tax Preparer
    3. IRA Contribution
    4. Roth Conversion
    5. Client Appreciation Event
    6. Review Credit Score
    7. Mid-Year Cash Flow Update
    8. Internal Investment Committee Review
    9. Newsletter

Third Quarter

    1. Estate Planning Review
    2. Life/Disability Insurance Review
    3. Benefits/Salary Analysis
    4. Deferred Compensation Election
    5. Rebalance 401(k)/403(b)/SEP IRA/SIMPLE IRA
    6. Analyze Credit Report
    7. Internal Investment Committee Review

Fourth Quarter

    1. End-Of-Year Tax Planning
    2. Client Appreciation Event
    3. Concentrated Stock Analysis
    4. Analyze Credit Report
    5. Internal Investment Committee Review
    6. Newsletter


Transparency is important to me.

I am a fee-only planner by choice, and that means no conflicts of interests for either of us to worry about.


I am legally required to act in your best interest. I was deliberate in establishing my business this way. It’s what is best for clients.

“Wait, other advisors aren’t required to act in my best interest?” Bonkers, I know.


I am not beholden to any fund family, and I don’t even sell insurance or annuity products. Go ahead and sleep easy knowing the advice you’ve received is objective and truly what is best for you.

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